Send your Best MCD Reunion Photos

Post date: Jul 25, 2017 2:58:35 PM

MCD Walkers at the White House

First, let me say what a wonderful time we had in DC! Many thanks go to Jenine and Anthony for all the hard work they did in coordinating this year’s reunion.

I’d like to update the Family website (this site) with a few (5-10 pictures) from our time at the reunion. So, here is your chance to send me your top 2-3 pictures. I don’t need anything you have – hold that impulse for later. Just your best of the best for the rotation for now.

Please me ( your pictures . We will select the best fits for the website rotation and create small gallery for the all the submissions for the site later.

We are discussing how to create a much more complete archive for all the photos we wanted and we have more information on that effort later in the year.


Your Friendly Family Webmaster